Google Earth Pro for business users
Increase employee productivity, communicate visually, and share
geographic information with Google Earth Pro. With the same easy-to-use
features and imagery of Google Earth and additional capabilities
designed specifically for business users, Google Earth Pro offers the
most comprehensive geospatial database, including seamless cityscapes,
high-resolution imagery, historical imagery, roads, and points of
GIS Data Import
Import large vector and image files and have the file converted to KML that is regionated and optimized for streaming.
High Resolution Printing Print high resolution images (up to 4,800 pixels) for use in your presentations, posters, and reports.
Radius & Area Measurements
Quickly save out measurements with the newly integrated measurement and drawing tools.
Spreadsheet Importer
Map thousands of addresses in the time it takes to find a single address with an easy-to-use spreadsheet import tool.